Family Therapy
We all start life in a family, whether that family is composed of blood relatives, adopted parents, or a foster family. Our family affects who we are and who we become, both for the better and for the worse. Sometimes, family therapy is helpful to address and heal a family’s wounds; it can also be useful in any family dynamic that causes stress, grief, anger, or conflict. Counseling can help family members understand one another better and learn communication and coping skills that create or restore connection.

You will learn to:
- Develop and maintain healthy boundaries
- Create trust
- Foster cohesion and communication among family members
- Promote problem solving though understanding of family patterns and dynamics
- Build empathy and understanding
- Reduce family conflict
Our Time

Sessions last 50 minutes. There may be times we decide a longer session is needed, those last generally 85 minutes.
During our first session, we will get to know a little about each other and complete any remaining paperwork. I’ll explain my process and then we’ll delve into more detail about what you want to explore in therapy, where you hope to go and how to achieve those goals. Collectively, we’ll put together a plan, knowing that it is flexible and open to change. As we proceed in on-going sessions, we will work that plan in part by developing an alliance that will provide the trust for insight we need to do the work.
How often should we meet?
It’s important to meet once a week at first, and unless otherwise agreed upon, each family member needs to be there for the work to be effective. There may come a point when we wish to move to every other week as you work on skills that you learn while at home.